September 29 - November 11, 2012 Opening Reception - October 5 at 7:00 pm Cambridge Galleries, 1 North Square, Cambridge, ON, N1S 2K6 The 14th edition of this popular biennial juried exhibition is a showcase of fibre artists from across Canada. The exhibition honours the community’s rich textile manufacturing history and the Galleries’ also considers acquisitions for its permanent collection from the works selected for the exhibition. Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences
120 Long Beach Blvd Loveladies, NJ 08008 In Stitches displays a contemporary, fresh approach to fiber art, a rapidly expanding media without the usual boundaries of traditional fine art. The exhibition features work by internationally exhibited artists who combine recycled materials, mixed media, and installation with the traditional techniques of fiber art, quilting, weaving, embroidery, soft sculpture, and bookmaking to create a stunning display that will expand your perception of this growing medium. Join us for this exciting new show! |